I'd much rather spend money replacing stuff that is lost, wouldn't you?
My hubby is home from Texas. Except, he's missing a few things. Important things at that. His new glasses and his latest switchblade knife! I say latest…because, this item is something that he's been losing as long as we've been married. Over the last 25 years, we have purchased many knives. Too bad, he likes the pricier ones, huh?
Some things are just disposable.
Prescription eye-glasses and the sunglass clip attachment …..are not disposable! So, Merry Christmas babe? Looks like your gifts will be easy to buy this year. 🙂
Boo, hiss!
Oh, but who needs to get all in a tizzy over lost stuff? My hubby is home! That's a huge deal, one worth buying new glasses for (in my mind)! Maybe NOW…..
…..the floor will be put down.
…..the hot tub will get repaired.
…..the old carpet will get hauled away.
…..the firewood that needs to go where the old carpet is, can finally be purchased.
…..the security cameras can be installed the rest of the way.
…..the chandy can be hung in the upstairs bedroom.
…..the bikes can get hung up out of the way in the garage.
…..the shutters that we started painting can be finished.
…..and the birthday present our youngest requested can be built.
Poor hubby! Can you tell, he's been missed? I'll pay him for all his hard work in new glasses and a knife!
Sound fair?
Dear Lord
I'm so thankful for a hubby like mine. He works hard and tries to please a lot of people (mostly me)! Bless him for all that he puts up with and thank you that we can replace lost items. Stuff is just that, stuff!