Cyber Monday is alive and blazin' if you're interested in searching for deals and scouring the internet to save a few dollars. Most sites that I've journeyed onto didn't have much to brag about in discounts. I think it pays to be a "shopper" when it comes to big blowout days like today (and Black Friday). The offers are nothing new is what I'm trying to say. The same great sales are offered most other days too.
So, lame!
However, in case you haven't written a check or looked at your calendar today….guess what?
December snuck in and brought with it lower temperatures and anticipation of decorations all over my house. My hubby has 4 boards to cut and lay down to complete the great floor debacle 2014 and it's going to be KATY BAR THE DOOR on my tree and the trimmings, baby! I can't wait to do what I didn't get to do last year — have a real Christmas in our new home!
Don't ask me all that I've learned in the last year? That post is coming soon. 😉
But for now….I have a little advice. Take it or leave it, December is here. So, why not make the best of every single day. (if you click on the 31 must do pic, it will enlarge)
Friends, do whatever you can….to