My Broken Downton Heart

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I'm handling the season finale as good as can be expected……I'm boohooing my way through the day!  I should've known time was here already when I watched last night's episode, as if… the show would just go on and on.

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I am so good at sticking my head in the sand!

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Honestly, WHAT ELSE DOES JULIAN FELLOWES have to do?  Can't he just put his nose to the grindstone and write words?!?  More Downton Abbey words?

Like these –>

“Why do you always talk of me as if I were a salmon who laid my eggs in the gravel and then swam back to the sea?”   (The Dowager to her son the Earl of Grantham at the train station.)

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I read this morning the sad news that dear old Granny will not be traveling along past Season 6 of Downton.  In her words, she has to be around 120 years old based on the current show's timeframe.  Who lives that long?  Not even a grand Dowager!  I don't know how I'll get along with all the changes to come but especially seeing her go!  She's done a great service to Downton watchers everywhere with her wit, regal stiff love and her ever growing bestfriendship with Isobel.  Thank you, Maggie Smith!  You are a star at 80 years old!

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Since I don't want to give away any spoilers for you fans that didn't watch last night's show….I'll just move on along with my ever pushy encouraging words for you to WATCH SOON!  And, if you are someone whose somehow skipped out on watching Downton Abbey altogether — what are you waiting for?


Start at Season 1.  I promise, you will be hooked!

Pardon me while I go tend to my broken Downton heart.

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