Well, this holding back top-secret information thing is starting to become a habit in our family. Since our sweetboy is working in Texas, the girls were not expecting him to pop out of the garage on Saturday here in Indy. We made big celebration plans for the whole weekend because of Ally's birthday on St. Patricks Day. That's what happens when they grow up. Work dictates all freedoms to live willy-nilly partying it up for special occasions (welcome to the grown up world, kid).
It nearly drove us all (the three of us) crazy trying to keep from slipping up that Gavin was coming home. He even posted photos as if he were still down at the ranch throughout Friday and Saturday. It was the cutest! Both girls would like or comment on his posts, never knowing he was home in Indiana the entire time.
Tricky wicky!
Oh, but the sneaking around was worth it. The tears, the screams of excitement and all the laughing made it even more wonderful!
I can't even….
I'm pretty sure I don't have to describe all the flip-flopping my heart has done over the weekend. My mom-o-meter has sky-rocketed with love bombs having access to hugging all 3 of my punks! Happy happy happy!
All of it will come to an end starting tonight as the girls leave for home and really early in the morning when Gavin hops a plane back to Texas. I won't be sad….I won't cry, oh, who am I fooling? I'll be a bucket of slobber! I know each of them have good things going on in their lives and this is exactly what I've raised them to do….
Leave me.
Happy 22nd birthday Ally! I'm so proud of you!