Today you turn 22 years old. I can't even wrap my brain around that number. You're just a little girl, in my mind. I feel responsible for you and yet, you are so grown up. You don't need me helicoptering around you, anymore. Ok, I admit…..
I hovered over you.
That's what "some" mom's do, okay? Just wait.
I promise, my hovering was only done with good intentions. I never wanted to see you hurt, or fail. I only wished to protect you from the unkindness of the world. I know now that some pains just have to be felt by all of us.
You stole my heart the moment they told me you were A GIRL! I had no idea you would be so beautiful. Every day I've had the pleasure of kissing you and hugging you tight just because God saw fit to share you WITH ME!
Your love for other's is one of your greatest qualities. People notice your generosity and love you for your kindness. God tells us in scripture to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and you have the gift of showing it. No matter who it is.
I like that about you.
You are a fearless sister. Your brother adores you and your sister looks up to you. Both of them count on you for so many reasons. We all tease you for being in the MIDDLE, but you were strategically placed there between #1 & #3 for a very important reason.
Your dad and I fell in love with you the day we found out you were heading our way. Since that time, you've grown into the most amazing young woman. My heart swells with pride when I think of you (which is pretty much all the time). I pray for you. I hope for you. I trust in you.
I love you.
Happy Birthday Ally!