Monday in Pictures

Well, it’s Cyber Monday. I’m celebrating the same way I rocked Black Friday, in my pajamas. 🙂

I have all the stuff I need and I’m surrounded by my favorite people & dog….so, why would I beat up on my bank card and pile up on a bunch of junk none of us need?

This past week was so special. No need to wreck it with shopping for deals. Instead, pictures of what’s been going on in the Gway family.

This guy came home from Texas.

he home

Hubby climbed to the heavens (that’s him at the peak of the house) all for the hanging of our pretty Christmas lights.


We were NO help.

we help

There was kitchen crowding all week long. So much fun cooking, eating and cleaning it up. This house has been busy.


The lights look great.


Nana went on a jeep ride on the rainiest of days.


Bobby let Ally and her dad turn him into a hipster. He has a great sense of humor.


Gates and Nana, twinning.


nana p


f a m

Taking tables apart to make them bigger.


Time to light this place up.



Sassy Miss Lizzy putting on her new Christmas sweater…..


new sweat

And a little reminder of why we love December.

oh holy

I hope your Thanksgiving week was full of family and love too.

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