Binge Worthy


It’s no secret, I love being home!  Matter of fact, I plan my whole day around comfy clothes and “home-like” activities. 

Over the Christmas break, I spent endless hours BINGING!  Netflix was my drug of choice.  I should come clean while I’m admitting to wasting days away watching TV that I spent a lot of time eating more than the skinny law allows too.

I was completely out of control!

I feel as though I accomplished some big brain numbing entertainment goals for 2015.  So, win!  And, since I really don’t sit around binging on Netflix normally….. I feel it was all worth it!

The problem now is that I’m on a binge low.  Like a druggie who’s out of their fix, I’m obsessed with finding my next big show!   I’m not even able to watch plain old TV without feeling BORED!  Nothing seems to satisfy me.  I’m sick.

Perhaps, watching 2 seasons of Fargo and all of The Making of a Murderer episodes did it.  I still feel the high just talking about them.

Riveting,  Y’ALL!   Seriously!

All I can do now….is wait for Sunday nights when Downtown Abbey comes on to feel all my bingey feels for the week.

Help me, I’m bored.

What’s your TV binge kryptonite?   Do share!

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