I’m an hour away from picking up the U-haul that is going to be our vessel of transport to Montana and I AM PSYCHED! For the last few days, I’ve sorted and packed all the most important items we own and today we start packing it onto the truck!
I don’t have time for diddly!
My devotion this morning was a good reminder to live my life with a fragrance of gratitude. Moving can really pull out every ugly frustrating selfish attitude if we are not careful. I’m really living in the middle of some extreme thankfulness right this very moment.
Here’s just a few ways:
My storage unit in Indiana – The owner’s have been like friends and have helped us in a million ways. I am so thankful for good people!
My daughter & her hubby – They have not only allowed us to LIVE with them this last year (only a month or so) they have also let us store many of our most treasured items in their home. I am so thankful they love us and our things too!
My son – He has a job over an hour away but will be here after work this evening and again tomorrow to help us LOAD THAT MONSTER TRUCK!! I am so thankful for a hard-working young man!
My girl in Florida – While she might be my most alike workhorse, she can’t be here to tag team boxes and junk…she is CHEERING ME ON from her job in the dirty hot south!
My hubby – HE IS NEVER AFRAID OF HARD STUFF! Maybe that’s just one of the many reasons God put us together. I manifest ulcers at even the thought of all that has to be done. He is like water off a ducks back cool!
Let me just be up front. It is hotter than the hinges of hell in Indiana right now. Today is the first day that the humidity wasn’t strangling you as soon as you walk outside. It is clear, sunnnnnnnnny with a smidgen of a breeze if you can find a tree to stand under. This heat, is what we have to work with for the packing. Nothing we can do about it.
So, suck it up buttercup!
However, one last thing I’m feeling grateful for today….
Some sweet gal OPENING her pool up to her mom & dad…and our work crew (her brother & hubby)!
Splish splash!!