You gotta let your kids grow up! I know that. I mean, come on. This week, I had to let my middle baby fly off to Florida to visit grandparents. It wasn’t so bad! Ok, it was really sad. She is a big girl and really wanted to go….so who am I to stop her? Well, once we were at the airport and she was about to board her flight….her sister started to cry. They are best friends……I felt sad for her. She wasn’t trying to ruin her sister’s trip just sad to let her go. Boy, did I understand her feelings. So there I was having to hold it together for all of us.
It’s hard to let them go. Even for best sisters! Separation can be tough. So we did some therapy after dropping off our girl, we went in to Indy and shopped! Woohoo! That can cure a lot of low emotions. After wallowing our lonely sorrows in retail therapy we scantered back home to little North Vernon and fell asleep for long naps (due to the fact we had only had a couple hours max sleep from the night before). We awoke later realizing that “sister” was gone and we would miss her. But in two weeks we’d have her back (buttin in our bidness) and life would be back to normal again. We’ll sure miss arguing with her over clothes and food and sleep and……Algebra! JK…..we will miss all that and more. It’s hard to let them go. But God never leaves us…..He will protect her and bring her back in no time. We love you, Ally!
Look at us, letting her go at the airport. Notice the cry-face on Ms. Gates. So sweet.