Sweetboy has joined the ranks of money-makers! He has been trying for a year to get hired at our local YMCA. Finally, right before school started, the manager called him in for an interview. He was so psyched! I can’t blame him, I remember my first job too. I could NOT wait to make my own money. I was in the same shoes as him with my parents. They handed me every dime that I ever spent. Depressing! I just wanted to not feel guilty spending money for once. He often feels the same way. I can say that he is much like his mama. TIGHT! We can stretch some dollahs, boy. I can make my cash last forevah! So can he. God love him!
He has only worked three days in the last 2 weeks. So getting rich, he’s not. But when he went to pick up that first paycheck….I’m thinking he heard angel wings. Making money is important to a man even if he is in high school. Just think back to your first check…..ahhhhh sweet, huh? He told us that he actually put gas in his car with some of the money. We asked how that felt….and he admitted it hurt. He watched that money tick by so fast and it was painful. We laughed sooooo hard! Now he knows how we feel. Hahahaha! He said, just like that, it was gone. All that he had worked for. It is hard, don’t we grown-ups know? Every hard earned dime seems to just fly from our hands.
I am proud of him. He understands tithing/giving and is grateful to give back. He’s also a thankful employee and will work with honor and integrity. We have always felt that his job was school and he has been an outstanding student. But we also knew that he wanted to make a little jingle of his own. So we agreed to a limited work amount, one that he could still live as a normal teenager and meet all his responsibilities. This job seems to do that. So, sweetboy….keep on working…make that money and learn what the value of a dollar is. You will be glad you did. We love you, son. You’re a great kid!