Don & Ally -How well do you know your teen game….the question? Is your kid a morning or night person? Good one, huh?
Today went great! Even though, my family…..NOT MORNING PEOPLE!! This happened to be one of those extra busy long weeks. So, we all really needed some sleepy-in time this morning. Everyone was dragging. Sweetboy was headed to IU to perform during half-time. So we went on our way to be transformed! It was worth it.
God used several people to speak to my heart today. It was really neat. I felt loved and affirmed by fellow moms during the sharing/teaching time. They were inspiring! I needed that! Honestly, we all need that. Never pass up an opportunity to lift someone up, friends… is awesome! I’m feeling energized to do more for Christ because of it. The program was filled with relevant and Biblical truth and the leader delivered with great passion. She was kickin! We plan to go through the curriculum again and make a pledge together (as a family) very soon. Including, sweetboy.
Speaking about him…..our sweetboy. Last night was our first home game. He is a lifter (cheer boy, we call him) and is in the band. He’s all over the place at any given sporting event. I managed to get a few pictures of him in action. He has such a great smile…..I’m sorry if you can’t see it. He smiles because that is what is in his heart. He’s always been a happy kid. I just love it. It inspires me to smile too.
Psalm 119:2 “Happy are those who keep His decrees and seek Him with all their heart”.