
Free Political Clipart Image of the Republican Party Elephant. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart

The city park was all abuzz this evening. Our little town had big visitors! The Lt. Governor, Becky Skillman and the Republican candidate for Congress Mike Sodrel were here for a “Hog Roast” and chat-us-up session. This brings out the party people (when I say party….I don’t mean the woohoo party people…I mean the REPUBLICANS!!!). The shelter house was packed with follower’s of the “right” kind. Heehee, the right kind, get it? Oh, I am so funny!

The political signs were everywhere. I hadn’t seen the McCain/Palin yard sign yet….it was there! I have one outside right now to prove it. Thanks to hubby! I have been wanting one for my yard for weeks. When hubby was pastoring a local church we couldn’t endorse a candidate without suffering some serious backlash. Well…..that’s not the case anymore! So…….this REPUBLICAN is flaunting it loud and sassy! Go ahead…drive on by my house, I’ll be the one sporting that fancy sign that says just how I feel about this here election! BAM! There, I said it! And it felt GOOOOOOOOOOD!

Sweetboy performed at the event with the school’s Jazz Band. They kicked it off, which means, I missed it because I was still raking those dang leaves and limbs from my backyard. I had the time confused too. Oh well, he did come back and eat. So we were able to see him then and he was able to hob-nob around in the crowd. Several local candidates were there. It’s good strategy to campaign and hand out their signs and pins as well. It’s a great way to get to know them and ask them any questions you might have. A friend of ours had on the cutest little George W. Bush bobblehead pin. It was so cute! I think I need one of Sarah Palin!

I wish more than best of luck to all these candidates. I pray for them and for their families who are sacrificing to serve you and me. Each of us must know, you cannot please everybody all of the time. This public service work is not the most rewarding work a person can do. These people need our love and support. But most of all they need our prayers and God’s guiding hand. Our country needs leaders that live by standards that are in alignment with God. Pray with me as we head to the polls this year.

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