What defines you?

For Rachel Barkey it’s not being a wife…or a mom….or even having cancer. It’s her relationship with Jesus Christ. Her personal journey through breast cancer and it’s revenge on her young body are so overwhelming yet inspiring. I happened upon her blog today and haven’t quite felt the same since. Why? I don’t know. She lives in Canada…it’s not like someone introduced us and we’re new friends. Her tender story of facing death moved me and opened up some great questions I have for my own life.

What is it that REALLY defines me?

What is it that gives me value? Is it being a wife? No. I’m way more complex than just that. My husband would agree. I’m honored that God allowed me the privilege of belonging to such a great man. Is it being a mom? I really love being a mom….but no it’s not that either. I do take it very seriously. I’ve invested all of me into the children that God trusted into my care. But I know that they are ultimately their own people….so I trust God with them. I’m simply a tool in their lives.

What defines me….is my own personal walk with Christ. He has authority over me. He has my heart. I don’t always follow along with that management like I should. But I really love belonging to God and knowing that I can rest assure He is at work in my life. I am amazed that no matter what I can count on Him loving me….flaws and all! My relationship with Him is mine! It’s between Him and Me! I don’t spend enough time nurturing what I have in Christ. I guess I’m like many…..I’m busy living life…until something stops me in my tracks to bring me back to reality. Today….I caught a glimpse into a reality that none of us want to face.

Life is short. Live it to the fullest……focus on what’s important!

I love you. I’m thankful that you were thinking of me when you went to that cross. I’m not worthy but you thought so. Thank you for Rachel. Bless her and her family as they transition to a new way of living in the next few weeks. What a sweet picture of grace!

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