Congratulations to Tyler & Allison! This weekend was their big day! I bet it’s safe to say that they’ve been anticipating May 23rd, 2009 for a long time.
Graduation day is like no other. You’re filled with a variety of emotions. You feel excitement and nerves all at the same time. Some have said that they didn’t feel a thing. I remember mine as a sort of numbness. The reality just doesn’t sink in on that day. But not much longer down the road the realness of the whole event slaps you hard right in the face.
No more high school! It’s over! Time to grow up…whether you’re ready or not. Decisions that are made from this moment on are of utmost importance. Why? Because your future depends on it.
Don’t worry! You still have a lifetime of good times ahead. It’s not like the fun is over. It just changes a bit. Now you have to start living as a productive adult….someone that contributes to our world. You’re ready! Go enjoy it!