I haven’t tried to hide my true self on this here blog, ever. I love being home! I work a full-time job everyday but come the end of May….I’m looking forward to a summer filled with lazy days and family time. In other words….I LOVE SUMMER!!!! I feel blessed to work in the education world and have summers off. It ROCKS!
Today is the beginning of finals at my high school (for all underclassmen). We run on block scheduling so the students only have 4 classes a day broken into 2 days…..equaling 8 classes total. So, they take 2 finals a day from today until Tuesday. And Tuesday? That’s the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! Yaahooooo! Do I sound crazy excited? Good, cause I am! Yay!
It feels fantastic to be at the end of a grueling year. Lots of changes took place in our lives this past year……jobs, administration at my school, friendships, churches, finances…..stresses of all kinds. To be honest, surviving this busy school year feels like a victory! I’m happy to see it come (don’t get me wrong…I’m still sad my Sweetboy is graduating). But I cling to the upcoming summer break with all the fervor of my being!
Here’s to 3 1/2 more days! Yipee! I can do it! I see the light at the end of the tunnel! Come on SUMMER BREAK!!