He was the baby I’d always dreamed of. I asked God specifically for a special boy and He went way beyond my human comprehension of special. On June 1st 1990, Gavin Lee Galloway was born. He was 8lbs. 6 1/4oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He was a fat little butterball of a baby and he was very sick. He spent his first 5 days of life in NICU at Lakeland Regional. We were unprepared for any complications. I did everything I could to be a healthy pregnant mom. I cherished the baby that God was creating within me. Yet here we were….watching as our sweet baby fought to breathe. God had big plans for him and he still does. Today is special to our whole family. Gavin’s life is just beginning. He’s turning 19 and graduating in 5 more days. Everything is at his fingertips!
If I had to list what I love about him most…..it would be just about everything I know about him. He’s that amazing and wonderful to me. It’s a mom thing, I guess. I still love hearing from other people how much they enjoy Gavin. He’s just a fun kid! He has a great personality and a crazy fun sense of humor. He keeps us all laughing! But that’s not all…..he’s a loving and obedient son.
Gavin — I have been so blessed to be your mom. I prayed for you and God didn’t cut any corners when He created you for my family. You are the son that all parents dream of having. You set out to be the best you……not for yourself…..but because you care about what God wants for your life. What an inpsiration you are! I admire you for your Godly character and the integrity that you live your life with. It is something that many people never pick up on. You have chosen that path for yourself and I am so proud. I pray that today is just one more step towards all that you dream of. May God bless you as you enjoy your special birthday! You’re 19!!! Wow! Just seems like yesterday, Sweetboy! I love you so much!
Gavin loves…..
Obviously capes… 🙂
BMW’s and other fine automobiles (foreign of course)
a girl named Allison
Top Gear, The Office, Hulu, Fox-n-Friends…etc
Playing the guitar & singing
Hotdogs (especially footlong chili dogs)
Hanging with his dad (playing something)
Being independant
His cell phone
Smart conservatives
Intelligent conversations
Movies as he goes to sleep
Southern cooking
Living life to the max!
and Jesus!
There’s so much more he loves….but it’s late and my brain isn’t quite firing anymore. He’s well-rounded, brilliant, and a magnet of a person. He pulls you in and makes you love him. I hope he knows just how much we love him. I think he does! Thank you God for sharing him with us.