Tonight was the night! It actually happened, people! After the weekend of the puking human volcano…..and missing his big graduation celebration party….we were beginning to doubt he would ever have a successful party. Oh but have no fear! God had other plans, oh yes he did.
I couldn’t sleep last night. Gavin decided to buddy up with several guys that live in the same neighborhood across town for a sleepover. I’m usually pretty cool about that sort of thing. But for some reason, I just couldn’t relax and go to sleep. I prayed as I laid there with my eyes popping open that God would keep him safe wherever he was. My head started hurting then my back…..before I knew it I was aching all over (I think because I was stressing out). So much has happened in the last week or so. I really wanted him to have a great party.
This morning a raging thunderstorm was my wake up noise. I mean it was raining buckets. I wanted to cry. It’s the reschedule day for the party and I worried that once again….we might have to cancel. I prayed again and just let it alone. God doesn’t need my assistance anyway. He’s got it under control!
He proved that. Tonight’s party was a great success. Everybody seemed to have a fun time including Gavin. He was surrounded by sweet friends and a big honking fire! Gotta love those pyromaniacs! Oh and that cake? Ooo la la! It was perfectly delicious! Just like I imagined it being the last 3 days. Yum yum!
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)