When you fly over 1000 miles to be with family during the loss of a loved one. We’ve had a great time (in spite of my being sick as a dog)! Sometimes you just have to deal! Everything has gone well….no one has wanted to beat anybody up (another thing families can do in emotional moments like these).
Check out the fun to be had in Florida! Who needs Disney? Der!
Shivering on the front porch at Gramma’s
Brotherly love! Playing Gin! Party….whoop!
The guy grandsons & great grandson!
The children. Tom, Bill & Mary
This is what you see on the highways
Retirement + Roadcrew = Supervision
The reason…we all came together!
We’re wrapping up our visit. Today is filled with more visiting and a surgery for Poppy! It’s pretty amazing what we’ve packed into one week. Tomorrow is our flyback day. Looking forward to getting back home and sleeping in our own beds. Back to normal. Yea…..our kinda normal! 🙂