I’ve been pretty content staying home (except for the pity party of having no vacation trip). Summer has been the medicine the doctor would’ve ordered. I’ve loved staying up way too late and sleeping in the next morning. I was meant to be free, people! 🙂
I had this crazy night of insomnia over the weekend though. It was pretty annoying! I like sleep! I’m good at it. But I couldn’t drift off to lala land for all the tea in China. So, I lay there….thinking. Then, it hit me…..OH NO!!! School starts in ONE MONTH!!!
Yea….I definitely have the gift of encouragement! I even cheer me up! NOT!!!
Whatever shall I do? I have to make this summer count for something fun! I have limited time with these kids! Gavin is moving into his first apartment in a month! Whaaa? Why does time fly so fast? We’re still trying to come up with much of what he needs to setup house.
Ally is going into her SENIOR year of high school. My baby Gates is a sophomore for goodness sakes. They’ve already started to ditch me! Gee whiz! I’ve got to make the most of our time together.
Here are some things we have on our WANT TO DO list:
1) The Beach Waterpark (We love this place and go every summer. I have 4 tickets so far. I still need another set of 4 to make it fun!)
2) Atlanta Braves vs. Cincinnati Reds (this is a special game, Mercy Me is performing Aug 1st)
3) Holiday World Splashin Safari (we’ve been invited to go with friends…still trying to save pennies for our tickets)
4) School shop! (what’s that?)
5) Camp/swim/eat in the wild (this is most likely NOT going to happen….we sold our camper a long time ago and hubby is not speaking positively of the tent). 🙁
6) See Despicable Me. (we rarely go to the theatre…but this looks like a must see!)
I’ll be happy with any of those ideas coming to fruition. Remember, I’ve been SITTING at home all summer? Going to the grocery store is a major deal for me. {LOSER} All I can say is that I’m cherishing these next few weeks. Looking ahead to August makes me want to cry. I love you summer! Stay just a little longer, ok?
Tags: Atlanta Braves, camping, Cincinnati Reds, Holiday World, summer, The Beach Waterpark