You have no idea what a HEADSTRONG psycho woman I am. Seriously! I’m like annoyingly stubborn when I have a task to accomplish! I will climb any mountain and sail any sea. I’m psycho, remember? And it didn’t hurt that I was functioning on a killer high of P M S !!
Yesterday (during my peak of PMS) I received an email alert that Vera Bradley had messenger bags on sale for $40. SQUEAL!!! Yes, I am a deep person…one of solid integrity! I know what’s important in life. Vera stuff on sale makes me giddy! Well, I’ve been haunting ebay for a backpack for Gates. She really wanted one for school this year and had two adorable patterns selected. When I clicked on the Vera site to look at the sale…..GO FIGURE….they were also selling the backpacks for $40!!!!! Triple squeal! I’m so excited that I jump up and down. Those suckers are $92!!
Then…..I click on her cute patterns. SOLD OUT!! Not only her patterns….but EVERY SINGLE PATTERN! Nada! No more! Nothing left! I wanted to cry! {Boohoo, I was hormonal!!) So, I decided to call Vera headquarters and find out the WHAT FOR! The very nice lady offered me two phone numbers to outlet locations that “might” possibly have some. Called them, no way! They laughed! Those have been long gone! 🙁
So, then I stared calling all the stores that I shop at and other’s that I don’t even have a clue where they are. Each time, I politely asked if they had ANY large Vera Bradley backpacks left for $40? No, no and more no’s! I finally decided to get crazy and call Louisville. I reached a sweet girl (Lauren…my new BFF) who happily told me she had one in the pattern Gates was hoping for. Then…she said the magic words, “Can I hold it for you?”. Aww, XOXOXO Lauren! I <3 you girlfriend! And I'll see you in Louisville tomorrow before noon!
Who says good things can’t happen to a girl hopped up on hormones?
Oh, and if you’re looking to win big….Vera Bradley is having the greatest contest right now. An ipad, mini case and more! Go enter!
Tags: backpack, ebay, Make Me Blush, PMS, Vera Bradley