21 Years

Already? My word. How does time fly by so quickly? It doesn’t seem possible. My life has been full of good times and not so good ones. But all along the trip…..he’s been by my side. Today is special to me in many ways (even when you have to go on and act normal all day by working, hauling kids and cooking dinner!). It’s the day that I CHOSE to walk down the aisle to marry the man who would live life with me. It’s the day I said yes. Yes to happiness, joy and even pain. It’s our day!


What’s in store……who knows, right? With us, it could be a doozy! 🙂

Dear God,

Thank you for the privilege of being a wife. Forgive me for the many ways I’ve fallen short at that gift. My heart’s desire is not just to learn to love YOU more….but to love my husband more, everyday! Help me to be the wife YOU want me to be. Bless my husband through me and the love that only I can give him.



I remember sitting in my car right after meeting you for the first time praying that God would allow me to have you as my wife! People thought I was crazy when I told them I was going to marry you the day after I met you but I just knew you were the one for me!

God has used you to be a blessing to my life in so many ways. Just knowing that you love me- of your own free choosing- still makes my heart race! (or is that just my walking up the stairs??? 🙂 I wish I could go back and start over– ONLY because I want an extra 21 years with you. Well, maybe there are some things I would do differently. . . Boy, if I had just learned the first time not to argue with PMS, the things I could have done with all that extra time!!

I feel extra special because a woman like you chose me.


I thank You for the blessing my wife has been to me. Thank You for giving my children a mother who cares for them and wants them to be a blessing to You. Thank You for 21 years with a woman who has walked beside me as a partner, a woman who has pushed me when I needed a push, a woman who has comforted me when I needed comfort, and most especially a woman who has loved You with her whole heart! Her stunning beauty is certainly an added bonus! Keep us close to You so that we may grow closer to each other.

In Jesus’ Name

Your Loving Husband,

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