Last night we had a conversation over dinner. We’ve been die-hard GLEE fans from the get-go. But as the show has progressed……it’s taken the route of “how far can we push it” to the limit. Last week’s stint on praying to a grilled cheezus (am I the only one that picked up on making fun of the Christian faith?) was a peek at the double standard. It just drives me crazy how we are to be tolerant of other’s faith, sexual orientation etc. but the Christian faith is a big joke!
Tell me I’m not alone in this?
My hubby shared that our son has decided that he will not watch Community anymore. Another show we found somewhat mindlessly funny (again, NOT ANYMORE). Hollywood can’t stop themselves from bashing Christianity. You know it’s bad when young people are disgusted by it. So, imagine?
One of my favorite nights to watch tv is on Thursday. Last week was a bust! 30 Rock was absolutely ridiculous. The entire episode was Ess-Eee-Exx. I couldn’t believe how openly they joked about it. It made me furious AND I LOVE LIZ LEMON! But gross, gross and more gross! I decided then that if I NEVER saw another episode it would be too soon. Who needs that junk?
I’m thankful for a family that recognizes sin. Having teenagers is hard. Helping them navigate the trash the world throws at them is even harder. Parents, if you’re not talking with your kids about what’s acceptable and what’s not….LOOK OUT! They’ll be choosing for themselves. And by the looks of our society…..the choices are pretty lowdown. Don’t be afraid to point out untruths and yuck! God is holding you accountable.
Vicki Courtney is one of my favorite teen mom bloggers. Today she posted about this same topic! Please go and read what she has to say. I think you’ll find some truth! HERE
I love this new song/video! I hope you know….YOU ARE MORE!
Tags: 30 Rock, Christian faith, Community, GLEE, Liz Lemon