It’s been monsoon season here in southern Indiana and I don’t like it! Enough with the 3am wake-ups to tornado sirens! Seriously scary! Especially when grandparents are parked in your driveway in their camper sleeping. Oh who am I kidding…..only Poppy was sleeping.
We had an IKEA trip planned for this weekend and ended up driving through the worst rainstorm ever to get there. Can you see why I might be singing the rain away? Nobody gets in the way of a shopping trip to IKEA!!
We’ve had a great weekend in spite of all the WET weather! Now it’s back to work and counting down the Royal Wedding days! I seriously feel jilted that it’s on Friday! Come on, people! We have no tv service at school. Boo! 🙁
When the rain won’t stop…go shoot stuff!
All grown up and catching the big one at Bass Pro!
I hope your Easter weekend was a blessed one. I don’t think I’ll ever get over what Christ has done for me…