Maybe you’ve bumped into this post out in the blog world already. If you haven’t, you must read it! I promise…’ll love it! It’s all about dad’s and the rules for fathering a daughter. Be prepared to giggle, tear up and remember your own daddy relationship.
For some (like myself) that relationship wasn’t as special as it should have been. I remember my dad being there up until the death of my little brother. After that, it was just the two of us. My mom did her best, but being a single mom isn’t the ideal situation. I missed out on so many things that little girls shouldn’t have to. Sadly, I was also a victim of other people’s sins.
I don’t own the shame that comes from that abuse. However, I do wear the scars in my heart from the innocence that was stolen. It happens. More often than you’d think. Children, especially misplaced children are easy targets for the sick in our world. Daddies have the power to protect the girls they father.
Mine could not do that.
For my own beautiful girls, God had special plans. He custom created the best daddy in the world. One who would be madly in love with them. Nothing they could ever do or say could stop him from that. He has always teased about snippin’ a notch in their ears at the hospital to keep anyone from trying the old switcharoo. Instead, he chose to stick right with them the entire time. That, he did. (Our son, too) None of our children were ever out of his sight.
Over the years (in 8 days–married 22 years) I’ve felt a sort of redemption for my own childhood. Mine was full of turmoil and pain. I grew up thinking love was conditional and costly. All things that are foreign to my kids. While they can surely point out parenting errors, I know each of them cherish their dad & I. They have known love, protection and trust everyday of their lives. God surely makes beauty from ashes. I’m living proof.
Today, I see my past as a gravel road to a victorious life. One that could only be orchestrated by God. He knew what I needed. While I didn’t experience the warm fuzzy love of a daddy…..I’ve stood witness to that in my own children’s lives. I see now, what a real dad is. A blessing to me and to them.
I can’t leave without sharing this link. It’s just another daddy making it his goal to rock his little girl’s world (as long as he can get away with it). Hehe! If you have a daddy in your life that has blessed you and loved you with his whole heart–Don’t forget to let him know what he means to you.
Ok, one more link, just in case you haven’t had enough “love those daddy” tears.
Thank you for the dad you’ve given me (in my husband). While he can never change my past…he’s certainly blessed my future.
Tags: daddy rules, daughters, fathers, protector