I've made big spring break plans. It's been a long time coming. I'm going to paint my dingy walls & ceiling. The problem with that is once you start, you can't just quit. As I walked around surveying the areas that needed a spruce up, I realized that the job was growing with every room. How can everything need to be painted again, already? It's only been a few years…
Which makes me think about my heart. I know there are dirty spots and dings in the wall of my fluffy little secret place and that God wants me to take care of them just as much as my physical home. But how often do I push that to the side in order to just get through a day. Or cover up something that's ugly so I don't have to look at it or think about it?
The answer is, often.
I'm human. I sin. I think mean thoughts and sometimes….I spew them outloud. I feel normal emotions. I get jealous, feel envy and I even blow off the handle! But those aren't my only weaknesses. I have sinned and do sin (like everybody else) on a daily basis. I KNOW THAT I NEED JESUS, every single day.
My heart is His but my flesh tries to rule it most days. I'm sure many of you can relate. Everyday is a battle and it's up to us to fight the good fight with the armor of God. So my question to me today is this—> Am I equipping myself adequately with God's word to face all that life is going to throw at me?
P-Prayer. Am I prayed up? Have I spent time talking to and listening to God?
A-Ask for forgiveness. Have I confessed the sin hidden in my heart?
I-Imagine. Am I imagining my eternity with Christ? Or do I forget all about it?
N-Need. Do I acknowledge my need for a Savior? Am I relying on him?
T-Tell. Am I telling other's about my Lord and His love for them and me?
As you can see, it's time to get busy. My heart, like my house needs a spruce up. What about yours?
Tags: dirty heart, loving Him, paint jobs