I'm so good at learning life the hard way. I'm sure you can remember (yourself) the old days when you knew it all. Right? It may not have been so long ago. I just happen to be a middle aged lady that has lived a few more years than many of my day-to-day friends. Ok, I'm the oldest in most of my circles.
How'd that happen?
I read the greatest post this weekend, it was a younger blogger's take on what she's learned in "30" years. Whoop-dee-doo, kid! Try almost 46 years! Now that's a long time to learn some stuff! I had to giggle at some of the things she's learned because….she's spot on, I've learned many of the same lessons.
Life, it's a school everyone must attend.
Forty-five Things:
— Learn to apologize, sincerely.
— Show affection, even when you're PMS'n.
— Learn to cook. It makes lots of people happy.
— Read books, lots of them. Every genre. (I know, I'm book snobby)
— Only buy clothes that flatter. Don't fall into trendy mistakes.
— Make friends, especially with someone you wouldn't normally talk to.
— Pray. Outloud. Every time you have the chance.
— Sing to your children, all the time.
— Celebrate special occasions. Each one is a gift.
— Learn to drive a stick shift. It will impress your son, someday.
— Go to the beauty parlor at least every other month. Trim those scraggly ends.
— For goodness sake, WAX YOUR EYE BROWS!!
— Be patient with your hubby & kids. They really do want to make you happy.
— Write thoughts and prayers down in a journal.
— Have a healthy sense of humor.
— Smile, a lot.
— Share what God gives you. It really is better to give than to recieve.
— Be passionate about something and help someone else love it too.
— Send words of love to those who are far away. Distance can't stop love.
— Watch movies with your family. Make it special with treats & pj's.
— Own a dog. Caring for an animal teaches a lot about unconditional love.
— Learn how to make eye contact and do it.
— Overdress. Always. Trust me on this one.
— Guard secrets. No one keeps them, in case you haven't learned yet.
— Speak kindly about others. It will always come back on you if you don't.
— Keep in contact with college girlfriends. Forever. It's fun growing old.
— Tell your kids who you admire and why.
— Use a 3-way mirror. Really, look at your backside before you leave home.
— Learn how to wear make-up. Look classy when you go out.
— Wear cute boots & scarves.
— Take fun trips with your hubby (alone).
— Splurge & buy something really special for yourself. Especially on your Bday.
— Go to the beach every time you get the chance. You may move far away.
— Cheer for your hubby's favorite teams.
— Buy good sheets!
— Brush your teeth and floss 3 x's a day. Just do it.
— Change your hair color. Wear it like a bosslady!
— Be known as an encourager.
— Save your money. It disappears before your eyes & you will need it!
— Go to college. Do it. Don't think you'll go back. You won't.
— Marry for love, not money.
— Open your heart to Jesus. He will change your life like no one else.
— Love people. Really love them. They'll know if you don't.
I know I'm not the wisest gal in the world. But this list represents much of what I do know. My wish is that somehow along this path of livin'…I've passed the good stuff on to my children. Don't wait to make your own list. Write down what you know and smile at the life lesson's God has sent your way!
Tags: learn the hard way, life lessons, reflection, wise