I think I'm getting in the groove of school after a week-and-a-half….except, I woke up this morning with a screaming sore throat and sinus gunk. Hello, school cooties! I feel miserable and the worst part?
IT'S FRIDAY, dangit!
Friday's during the school year are sacred. Set apart just for those of us banging out the work week like the troopers we are. So waking up sick as the weekend is just getting started stinks like a skunk hit on the highway. Not good!
I threw back an antibiotic and took off for work. So, here's to hoping I'm not sick all weekend. The days of freedom.
Before I go and make this the most amazing weekend ever….I wanted to share this writing tip that I read this morning. I love the idea behind it and I believe that each of us can incorporate it into our lives no matter what it is we're trying to accomplish.
"You have to find a way of working that makes it dead easy to take full advantage of your inspired moments." Hugh MacLeod
You see the thing about inspiration is it tends to come when it's least convenient. Like for me…I can think of a thousand book ideas or blog posts when I'm in traffic or sitting reading a story with a class. So, I'm learning that when the mood hits….scribble the idea down and go back to it later. Eureka moments will continue to happen when you're too busy to deal with them. It's up to us to take advantage of them the best way we can. So…no matter what you're trying to make happen in your life take complete advantage of your inspired moments.
Enjoy your weekend, friends.
Tags: Hugh MacLeod, inspiration, school cooties, sickness