Like many, I've been going through the motions watching the horror unfold on tv regarding the Connecticut school shooting. There is no way to make sense out of something so terrible. It's just heartbreaking! Once again, our world seems so crazy and out of control. No one can fathom the nightmare that any of these families are experiencing.
I spent some time in prayer with my own girl last night. She was deeply moved and emotional about the whole situation. While she was happily celebrating making it to her last week of high school….somewhere a few states away complete madness was taking place. In 15 minutes, 26 innocent victims were vioated in the most horrible of ways. By being murdered. How does any of that make sense? Where do we begin to understand?
I remembered, as we talked before prayer… There wasn't a moment in yesterday's events that God didn't know about. He was not caught off guard. While He did not orchestrate a madman to commit this disgusting crime, He knew. His arms were open wide as these innocent darlings ran to Him for all eternity. In my own heart, I can't help but feel He wept at the evil intentions of their killer. As so many of us have done in the last 26 hours.
There will be no answers to this mystery. All the why's? — will never bring back these precious people. The devastation will never lessen. But the comfort and forgiveness that Christ offers for each of us is like a life preserver as we bob up and down in the middle of the sea. We can cling to it and know…..He is our Redeemer!
Gracious God,
We can't understand. Our instincts are to hate. Help us. We need your grace & mercy to reign inside our hearts. Forgive us when we find ourselves judging in your place. May your comfort blanket these hurting families….and all of our broken hearts.
Tags: massacre, peace & comfort, school shooting