I Confess


I haven't done any REAL Christmas shopping!

What exactly is REAL Christmas shopping, you ask? Well, I consider it to be taking a day or two and shopping in stores that your family loves and picking out items they might enjoy…then wrapping them up and sticking them under the tree. My kids have no Christmas, y'all!

Seriously, time is ticking and I can see no future free time to do any of that kind of shopping. I've also asked each of my punks what is on their wish list...no concrete answers which makes this situation even more frustrating! Help, Santa!


I'm having the best time decorating this year. I've created pretty things around my house just to my liking when I've had the time and avoided any rushing or stress. I like it this way. I'm actually enjoying the process! Who says you have to do a full day of marathon decorating to be happy?

Every detail has been no-fuss.  Let's just hope the take it down process is the same.


Even though I work in education and I'm responsible for working hands on with high school students….I'm not the best candidate for studying with MY OWN KIDS! I will do it, but it's best if my hubby does it. I am fried by the time I get home and studying with another kid (even thought it's my own) overwhelms me.

I should be ashamed, but I'm not! My hubby rocks! Especially during finals!

So, I confess, I'm not perfect. I hope to kick it into gear, soon. Otherwise…my family might be recieving that box of pens from the shipping commercial where the guy is sending out last minute gifts, literally!  Yea, that's going to be me.

My new lamp post.  This is the replacement from many years ago when my son and his buds blew the old one up with fireworks.  It only took more than 6 years to put up a new one…but I love it!


Who can just toss out all the tree trimmings?  Not me, go make something dudes!


I have a fascination with trees & lights.  This is a tree in my bedroom and I love just basking in it's warm glow at night.  It makes me sad to leave my house in the morning for work.  I just want to stay home and enjoy all my decorations.  4 more days until Christmas break!


I love Christmas!  Don't you?

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