Twisted Sister

It's my honor to keep you in stitches here regarding my wild & crazy life.  After a great day of climbing the mountains that make up The Biltmore Estate and poking my nose in every nook & cranny they'd let me go near…..I came home exhausted!

Then, by some bezerk act of madness I sat down on the potty and turned to pull off some toilet paper AND TWISTED MY NECK!  Like, twisted my neck to the point of tears.  I am now a robot!  I can't turn my head at all and I certainly can't imagine it ever not hurting again.

Why do these things have to happen to me?  I'm on vacation, dangit!

After sitting still for the rest of the evening with a heating pad wrapped around my neck and a handful of Naproxen Sodium's…it's starting to feel a smidge better.  Hubby even tried to rub it out!  He also reminded me of what I almost picked up and added to my medicine basket, MUSCLE RELAXERS!!!

While I was going through all the possible needed meds….I looked at the box that said muscle relaxers and made an executive decision — WHO'S GOING TO NEED THOSE?

Oh my word!

Me with the grandest staircase over my head.


Gates is sweet & shares her coffee icecream with me.


Hubby & Ally resting & gazing at the views.


Just lounging on the most amazing back porch ever.



All day we tried to picture living in such a home.  Impossible.  The scale of grandeur is so far off the charts of understanding for our simple American minds that it seemed like a fantasy.

However, the rich history of how it all came about is very interesting.  The lavish lifestyles, the entertaining of guests and the rolling acres of property are the things dreams are made of.  The Vanderbilt's have created a wonderful American castle and shared it with the whole world right here in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina!

Now if they could just help me with my strained neck.  All would be right with the world.

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