The last few weeks have been some of the hardest days of my life, so far. Looking back, I can't help but feel peace. Even though my body hurts all over and my heart aches….I know that God doesn't make mistakes.
Now begins the healing process.
I truly appreciate how special "home" can be. Each trip there that I've made this last year was worth every penny and every minute spent missing my own family in Indiana. I needed to be with my mom all that time and I'm so grateful that I had that chance. She really thought she was going to be okay and so did I.
I'm from a small town in South Florida. It's a great place! It's funny how you don't realize that when you're growing up. I've been married and gone from there for over 24 years. That long time away hasn't changed how my heart feels about the people that loved me into who I am today. So many visits, so many calls and all of it while I dismantled a lifetime of collecting and clinging to stuff. I can't remember ever standing so long on my feet or having them hurt as badly as they did during the great "clean out"! God sent so many people by to visit and made sure I captured a moment of grace by their willingness to share it. Each hug, kind word, funny memory and sweet thought felt like a carefully applied salve to a gaping wound.
Just when I thought I couldn't keep going…
I am who I am because of this place and these people. It's only fitting that the one who brought me up there allow me one more chance to feel what HOME really is. Thank you, Mom.
Home is the place where everybody knows who you are and they love you just the same. It's the place that you know you'll be accepted and where you'll be forgiven when you goof up. It's also where you can wave at pretty much every car (cause someone you know is in it, for sure) and where one phone call equals everyone in town knowing you're in need.
There really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!
I feel rich. Rich in friends and family that love and care for me. Thank you for the great care given to me by so many during the last few weeks. I'm overwhelmed by the love and grace poured out on me. That's a tiny glimpse of how much you love me. Thank you.
Tags: friends care, Hardee County, home, home sweet home, memories, small town, visitors