You might have started your day with the ringing in of S P R I N G….but I started mine with the first early morning ringing of my cellphone to substitute teach. At an elementary school. Uhm, pass!
I like little kids. Really. I just couldn't jump in COLD TURKEY at the last minute and work with them. Maybe soon. Like, if I'm desperate for days to fill in…soon. Naah, who am I fooling? I don't want go there.
I belong with teenagers. They get me. I get them. Done deal!
I was a little surprised to get the call because today is the day I go in for the district's REQUIRED sub training. Who calls you in to work before you've even been trained? What if I skipped a ritual? Or didn't sign in at the right place? Who knows what kind of havoc could ensue with me being THE NEW LADY?
Too risky!
It's all cool. I'm working tomorrow at the high school and I couldn't be happier!
I have to tell you what was going on when I got the call this morning. I was completely caught up in a dream that involved my old school kids. I was standing at an intersection not far from the school and the bell had obviously just rang because all the students were filing past me…PUSHING SHOPPING CARTS!
No, I'm not kidding!
They were lined up…..pushing by me and I called out to one of my students that I know and told her she could stay with me instead of her grandma. Her mom was nervous about going out of town and unsure if the grandma could handle watching her kids. So, I told her they could stay with me. Dang, I'm nice….even when I'm dead asleep!
Who am I? Maybe I don't really want to know.
That's when my phone rang and ended my babysitting gig!
I'm all good now and not volunteering for anything that involves kids pushing shopping carts on city streets. But I am totally excited to start working tomorrow! Real people, real connections…..and money for it to boot! Winning!!