My hubby is amazing! He gets an idea in his head and there is no stopping him! Even when I caution….that he's on a "budget".
At our old house, I spent a lot of time out on my swing. I've bragged about it a million times here, I know. Since moving, our little yard just didn't have a spot for the swing to hang. Promises after promises of making a stand….finally came true this weekend.
Look at this monster! It's huge!
Our little backyard is just about maxed out on putting anything else in it. Never mind….a swimming pool!
I'm sorry to say that I woke up to a stormy day otherwise…..I'd be outside on my swing. It's the best way to escape all your worries and ponder all your thoughts. I'm so proud of how nicely it turned out. Gee, he's awesome!
Now, I need to find a spot to plant these….
I squeezed them into the "budget". Hehe