Life Isn’t Always Pinteresting


I've always tried to BE REAL here on my blog.  I try really hard to do the same on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  My life, isn't glamorous!  My marriage, isn't perfect!  My kids, are real young adults with real world struggles!  Our lives, are normal!

We struggle with sin!

We look awful (sometimes)!

We make huge mistakes (sometimes)!

We forget WHOM we're representing (sometimes)!

We drop the ball!

We argue!

We march to our own drums!

We don't always look PICTURE PERFECT!

Our moments aren't all Pin-worthy!

We are real people!  And so are every one of you reading my blog.  I know that, you know that and GOD KNOWS THAT!

But why?  Why do we all believe that we have to be amazing?  All the time?

The world is constantly in our faces telling us that in order to matter we have to be perfect in every way.  Our style, our finances, our awesome houses & cars…..our whole lives have to be incredible and picture-perfect or else….we are just ORDINARY!

Well, guess what?  I don't care!

I'm so sick of seeing people posting PERFECTLY posed pictures of their lives.  Stop the pretending!  Your life is just like mine.  Complicated one day and kicking cool the next!  The world needs real!  Real people….living real lives outloud for everyone else to see.

Who do we think we're impressing anyway?

God could care less about our cute little magically posed photos!  He sees the heart!  He knows we're desperately trying to impress others.  Want to know what's really important?

Impressing God.

What if?  What if we took the time to show HIM off?  What if our efforts to impress were all about him?  Not us!

Next time you're arranging furniture (cause I know….every snap of your family doesn't come without some straightening up in the backgroud) or looking for the perfect angle. Ask God, who am I really trying to impress here?


I never want to be superficial to anyone.  But more than that….I never want to be a fake to you!  I need you and I want to show you off to everyone.


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