No one can escape criticism. Somewhere along life's path, it will find each of us. As a blogger, I am open to all sorts of disagreements or misunderstandings. What I say here may be completely offensive to one reader and a home run for another. I understand that.
But my heart…..
I feel it's important that I tell you what is deep inside my heart. It's probably not anything like you imagined. My battles are no different than anyone else's, except that I do have the promise of a Savior who gets me (and is ever forgiving). He sees my heart and my intentions. He knows when I'm being mean and He knows when I'm being heartfelt.
But people….sometimes, do not and I understand.
Sin has a hold on this world. A clinging tight grip. For many, the line between right and wrong is zig-zaggy and wonky. I see it all around me and you do too. But for the most part, we just look away. Why? Because, WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE? (Another lie from the enemy!) When do you think it will be acceptable to speak truth?
I try very hard to be truthful and Christ-like. Do I get it right every time? No, not even close. I'm a human, one born into a world of sin. Even knowing better…..I make errors. I overstep, I overthink…..I even overSCRUTINIZE! Those who are close to me and talk to me know, I am not perfect!
I will never be….this side of heaven.
What is inside my brain mixes pretty heavily with what is down in my heart. My method for spilling it out may be skewed at times but I pray that you who read my words see that my greatest desire is to honor God. I never want to turn anyone away from Him. My blog is my space to write out all that is trapped inside my overflowing brain. So, if I say something offensive…'s not my true intention to wound or slay anyone, ever.
My last two posts offended someone and she called me out. I felt defensive and maybe even a little bruised up over it. But, I admit…..I took her advice and decided to make sure I'm filtering out what I say a little better. My intentions were never meant to be mean-spirited with my posts. The opposite, really. I was trying to ENCOURAGE readers to NOT fall into the enemy's tricky perfection trap with always posting the perfectly posed photos. I also meant to encourage those who post sexy photos of themselves to post a beautiful smile instead. There's nothing wrong with being beautiful and showing a smile instead of lucious pouty lips is "right on" in my book.
I appreciate the call out. However, my heart isn't just a place of "I'm so good, you're so bad!"…'s a genuine spot of concern and love for others. I want to LIFT UP and not tear down, I want to speak truth with honesty and I want to love with a love like Christ.
I've always been puzzled by folks who point out any mention of sin as being judgemental because….SIN IS SIN, right? Pointing it out doesn't always mean judging (again, the heart intention). Sometimes the hard stuff has to be said (right Preachers?) and who do you think is going to say it? Non-believers? Uhm, no. That's not gonna happen. None of us want to be told we are sinful, yet…all of us are!
So, next time someone jumps your case for calling sin, sin. Remind them that as a follower of Jesus Christ each of us have the job to love other's enough to hold them to a standard worthy of Jesus. Sugar-coating trouble doesn't help anyone but neither does haughty speak laced with condemnation.
Let me be clear. I love other's and I want my words and actions to show that every day. I won't apologize for my previous posts because they were not meant to hurt or slice anyone up. My hope is that what I say here will give reader's a launching pad to THINK. Roll it over in your own head and heart and make your decision for yourself. I'm only a vessel…
Tags: calling sin sin, judgemental, loving others