Thank You Power

Wanna know how to grab life by the horns?

grateful heart

I've noticed that when I show gratitude for my life…..I am a much happier person.


Even when things feel topsy-turvy, there is something to say thank you for.

thanking god

….because, life is just a blip on the screen and living it joyfully is the best way to show God's power in our lives.

be joy

If I've ever learned anything about life….it's that,

your life

Thankfulness heals hurts, boosts spirits and fills the heart.  I want to live full to the brim!

Nothing makes the heart stronger than knowing the power of Christ in your life when troubles come, despair lingers and doubt reigns.  God sees all of it and He offers peace and mercy.  His love truly does endure forever.

And He reminds me…..



Thank you for this new day.  I plan to grab it and treasure it because you gave it to me with intentions to live abundantly.  Remind me when I steer off course with my gratitude for every little thing.



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