I wish wish wish…..I could keep my mouth shut but God didn't make me that way. He gave me a voice and I plan to use it (hopefully to honor HIM) to point other's to His truth.
50 Shades of Grey is not a harmless love story.
It's a twisted trilogy that focuses on domination and the normalization of sexual sadism. Just what every parent of a daughter hopes for … in a "love" relationship, huh? Or dreams of for their sons?
As a mother, I've worked double-time to instill a healthy balance of what LOVE looks like in relationships for my children. Surely, I've failed in many ways when I've disrespected their dad in front of them or behaved in a way that was not God-honoring as a woman of God. However, I have also tried to be genuine and real with my faults and the seeking of forgiveness from a Holy God who throws sin as far as the East is from the West! All in the presence of my very easily influenced children.
I realized a long time ago……I had the power to direct them to God or away from Him. My greatest hope is that they would power-walk towards Him!
Now that the big opening weekend is here for 50 Shades of Blah Blah…the media is saturating every avenue of our lives with advertisements. Everywhere you look, trailers for the movie bombard you and tickle you with…."Don't you wanna?". Even favorite morning shows (The Today Show) are cramming the "innocent" garbage down our throats. It seems there is no escaping its evil pull.
What I find so confusing is how quickly people (women & men) are to defend its innocence. What? They call it a love story. What? How? They say, every marriage could benefit from it. Really? Why? They point out, don't judge it if you haven't read it. No? Really? People do that all the time about God's Word, the Bible. They say, it's harmless. How is that? The message is abuse and humiliation. What woman really wants to be treated in that way? Come on. Seriously?
I love my hubby. He's a man's man. The kind that knows how to be strong and also the same kind who cries when he thinks of how much he loves me or our kids. He's soft yet tough in all the right ways. He knows how to blow my mind with kindness and he also knows how to push all my buttons and tick me off. He respects me but he also messes up sometimes. He understands my needs (most of the time) and he wants THE BEST for me all of the time. I don't need him to be dominating and cruel to find him a passionate lover. Matter of fact, I like him tender and caring. I enjoy being cherished by him. I think he can do that and still be very much a leader in our family.
Women are looking for a man who will take charge. Well, that's what many are saying when defending Christian Grey's domination. Perhaps that's true. However, scripture is pretty clear that men will be held accountable for their leadership within their homes and families. For a man to be forceful and controlling, is the opposite of a Godly leader. It's time for women to stop leading and allowing husband's to live out the role God has for them. And it doesn't include getting rough in the bedroom.
Whether we want to believe it or not….our world is full of horrible sex-trafficking crimes. It's full of domestic abuse. It's full of dysfunctional relationships. Violent ones with horrible acts of sex that often turn into murder. I find it so ironic that 50 Shades gets so much positive attention when the big deal right now is on domestic violence. How does this system get so topsy-turvy? What is the difference?
I'm never going to advocate for women to fill their minds and hearts with such garbage. The message the world is trying to convince us is that this sort of entertainment is acceptable and I'll keep shouting from the mountaintops, NO, IT ISN'T!!!
It's one more way for satan to clench his evil claws in our lives, marriages and relationships. Stop defending it! It will NEVER make your life better.
Interested in learning more from the National Center for Sexual Exploitation? You might find some incredible information on their Dirty Dozen page. Go HERE!
**Pictures on this blog post are from the NCSE site**
I recommend #50dollarsnot50shades as a worthy cause to get behind instead of calling all your girlfriends for a night out at the movies this weekend.