I woke up this morning with a picture in my mind of a "schedule" of activities my middle punk wrote when she was in school. She had every detail written down with a time frame of accomplishing it on her list. It was so cute! I thought about how determined she was to stick to her schedule and WISHED I could do the same. But, my worn out mind and body just couldn't move….so, I hit the snooze and closed my eyes.
I've been tired all week. I could blame it on the all weekend birthday party but I don't really believe that's it. Every year around this time (Spring Break approaching) every person I know seems to be feeling exhausted. It's a season. After winter slams us around (snow days, half-days, springing forward and dark mornings) it's hard to fight off the effects of all that body confusion.
I promised myself (hand on heart) as I staggered into the shower that I would go to bed earlier and that I would make REST a priority. I mean it! I have to make it through to next Thursday for Spring Break to begin. Yippee! And then, I can live like this –>
Maybe you're tired too. If you're like me, you need to make some serious life changes to beat off the exhaustion. But, what?
1 — Go to bed earlier. I'm a late owl but I feel much better when I get into bed at least by 10pm.
2 — Cut out processed foods. Eat whole foods and ditch the caffeine & the drive thru.
3 — Exercise. Even a 15 minute walk-run can do what your body needs to shut it down for rest.
4 — Make 1 day of your week a NO DO day. Meaning, you don't have to do a list of things. Take a day OFF and enjoy something fun. I call it a NO RESPONSIBILITY DAY!
5 — Pick a quiet place and BE QUIET! Even if it's only 30 minutes. Your mind needs silence. It gives your brain time to reflect and refresh.
Exhaustion is a reminder to slow down. Give yourself a break and try to find a balance. Otherwise, you're going to be like me…. hitting the snooze and dragging around like you have a lead ball tied to your leg.
And, in the words of the Eagles… Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy! Take it easy.