And Then, There Were Three


Don’t feel sorry for me, but….


I just celebrated my first Easter/Resurrection Sunday with only 1 of my 3 precious children. Two were missing. Like, far away missing.

Really, I’m okay.

I knew this day was coming. The day that everybody couldn’t be together. That doesn’t mean, I like it.

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I get it, they grow up. They sell all their American Girl doll stuff. They get boyfriends, jobs and have a real big person life all on their own.

They do exactly what we raise them to do.



I’m happy for them, really. I can’t just hold them all hostage, can I? They have to move on. It’s only right they live their own lives.


God knew all about my first Easter with kids missing and He left just the right one to keep me in line. Ahem, sane! Okay, the one that would help me keep my head above water and stop me from falling on the floor rocking myself back & forth crying “Hold Me!”.

The baby.


I know she probably thinks she got “stuck” with us….but I’d like to believe that it was completely orchestrated by God. He’s the One who gave her to us in the first place. Why not enrich our lives with her funny shenanigans as long as possible, right?


We managed to sneak in a little crazy fun. It wasn’t all sulking and pining for those missing.


I mean, geez. We are our own people, ya know?

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We still took our annual front door Easter pic and we even snapped a few at church and in the parking lot.


It’s what you do when you have to document to the missing people all your Easter happiness.


Somewhere in South Carolina, this beauty was frolicking along with her boyfriend and his family.

easter ally

While this handsome furry-faced fella was deep down in the heart of Texas doing what all single dudes do…..go to church, cook your own Easter ham and click pics of your sweet purple fancy pants self.

easter gavin

Listen to me, I’m just going on and on as if this weekend was all out of sorts. It really wasn’t. It was just new and new doesn’t mean bad. However, I hope there aren’t too many more holidays like this one. I missed them. They still carry my heart around in their pockets (don’t tell them I said that) and I love being with them.

I also love that God gave us that surprise baby 20 years ago. She’s more special than she knows. We love having her tagging along, besides…she’s just 6 years old.


I hope your Resurrection Sunday was full of family, love and blessings.

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