Bizarre, crazy, unimaginable…… and more. That’s my opinion of most of the stories I’ve read today on my news feed. Our world is flat out mad! People are strange and their behavior proves it. I’m not kidding when I say the stories I’m sharing today ARE TOTALLY REAL!
At a Walmart near you…..
Okay, this happens. Why? I don’t know. What is going on in this guy’s life that his brain tells him to do this? Seriously? This is inside WALMART!!! Ladies, beware! Creeps are slithering all around you and your children while you’re shopping.
More evidence to KEEP YOUR KIDS WITH YOU and to not let them wander alone in stores while you mindlessly shop. Geez!
This lady might not be familiar to you at all, but she is famous right now for her reaction to a surprise kitchen makeover done by her husband. Let’s just say, she is not impressed and even though I don’t like the new kitchen either….she is brutal with her response.
I think it’s safe to say….everyone hates her now. She handled it with the least amount of class possible.
Meanwhile, back at Walmart…
Yep, that’s not far from my town. Thank you Beech Grove, Indiana for representing. It’s always good to get your name in the news!
These ladies take their issue about as far as it can go (I believe there were arrests made) and even the child in the photo gets a few kicks in. This, this is our society.
Something is not right.
Oh maybe I’m just not right. This new trend is popping up everywhere too. I think I’ll pass, how about you?
Even Madonna & Miley Cyrus are doing it. Ha, exactly why the rest of us need to hold tight to our Venus Razors, girls!
Down in Texas, two little business gals got SHUTDOWN! No more lemonade for you, hot shoppers in Texas!
Just look at the two little vicious criminals! Thank God someone intervened (God bless you – government hoopla) there’s no telling where this behavior would’ve lead them. Perhaps, not shaving their armpits or throwing a real hissy when hubby blows $60k on a new kitchen.
Jesus…..come on back!! Clearly, we need you. We’re not safe on our own.
Again, not too far from me because I’m clearly living on planet crazy….is this incredible story of a man impersonating being a marine. Why this keeps happening, I do not know. What is it about this fascination? Stop, people!
Honestly, this is just sad. I feel embarrassed for him and his family.
I’ll stop with this last bit of crazy. These two convicted criminals are still on the lamb. The authorities still do not have a handle on where these guys are hiding so any place in the country is fair game. Lock your doors and if you are so inclined….practice the 2nd Amendment. People like this have nothing else to lose, obviously.

The New York State Police continue to search for the two prisoners who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York. The escape of 35-year old David P. Sweat (right) and 49-year old Richard Matt (left) was reported to State Police early yesterday. Both were incarcerated for murder.
Watch out for bad guys people!
Help us navigate the bad in this world with eyes and a heart like yours. Thank you for reminding me, this world is not my home.