I’ve bamboozled myself all morning by running down every rabbit hole I could find. That’s what you (I) do when avoiding something important.
I met a writer last night.
God has a way of throwing big hints at me (uh, hello….HE IS GOD, right?) and I, in my very twisted OVER-THINKING personality, talk myself into a tizzy of “that’s not what that was!” just to keep my dream locked up in a box. Nice and safe. No risk involved. But misery. Twisted mind-boggling misery for my brain.
I want to write. Really, I want to.
Fear is my biggest obstacle.
Recently, I was deep in thought about what it is that’s holding me back (besides fear) and I realized, all my excuses….the ones I’ve repeated and tweaked over & over to everyone whose ever encouraged me, are just that, excuses.
Excuses place a person in a frozen position. I’ve been frozen so long that I might even have a little freezer burn.
I have to push on. I have to stop looking at Electra bikes online (I have one and I’m not shopping for another), I have to turn off Pandora (that opens my mouth to sing and shuts down my thought process), I have to quit eating a sunny-side egg each morning (you don’t need to know why) and I must write down words.
I am a writer.
Hear me type.