Itching to Go

I don’t know why I’m the way I am. I’m a bundle of everything all rolled into one person. I like staying home and relaxing… but, I really like taking off on adventures too. Going somewhere new and exciting is thrilling. It opens up my heart and fills me up with purpose.

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It’s almost the middle of July now and I haven’t left my house for anything more than a grocery run or a jaunt to the Library in weeks.

I’m itching. Matter of fact, I have hives from all my itching. If I don’t take off soon and go somewhere, I might keel over.

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There’s no certain place or specific thing I feel like I have to do. I’d go anywhere and I’d try pretty much anything. I just want to GO!

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Ever feel like that?

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Ahem, yes….this is the kettle calling the pot black. Just go.

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