2015 is on it’s way out. Only 2 more days to get all the things you wished to do this year, accomplished. If you’re like me, that probably isn’t happening. If it didn’t get done, it’s officially too late.
New goals. New year. New hopes.
I’ve been thinking about my new word for 2016. Obviously, not enough because I still have no idea what to hook my wagon up to in the coming year. I really stretched myself with last year’s word, TRUST. I’m a natural-born worrier – so – choosing to cling to TRUST was a challenge. I like to wring my hands, okay? Somehow, I managed to get out of the year unscathed by my own personal challenge. Probably because I did a lot of my life EASY.
I didn’t do anything crazy. I stayed within my own limits (lame, huh?). I hid behind any big obstacles. I didn’t live my life with much abandon. I didn’t step out in fear and trembling. I managed to box myself in and block myself from any hurt or challenging experiences.
I wimped out, y’all. Totally took the easy way out in every little instance.
Maybe that’s all I could handle. I don’t know. I believe all of us are weaker than we think, sometimes.
I can’t help but think I took on more than I KNOW I could really handle by picking TRUST. Perhaps, because I don’t really know HOW TO TRUST. (Not a challenge, Lord….)
In true God fashion, He protected me from really having to use my TRUST-o-meter.
I’m thankful He knows me. I’m not embarrassed to admit that I’m a wimp. I hate discord, I loathe trouble and I dream of total contentment. Who has that anyway?
It’s not really fair for me to pretend as though I didn’t experience anything that required TRUST. There were many times that I had to hand over all my struggles and begin again. For those times, I am grateful I had the love and mercy of God. Without Him, I couldn’t cope. Still, He proved that He was in control and that He would work out any problem I faced.
So, there. I trusted.
I suppose I’m really trying to tell you that picking a word doesn’t mean you won’t experience it in a profound way. Every person has a journey uniquely designed for them. My year was perfectly arranged just for me, just like yours. What’s to come? Only God knows.
Are you preparing yourself? Are you looking ahead? Searching for your place in this great big world? I am.
Happy end of 2015, friends.
Tags: looking back, set goals, word for the year