After 2 weeks of all guy activities, I jumped in with both feet for some chick action when my girls wanted to do at home facials this weekend.
I’m available for anything that makes look younger, better…foxier!
Even foreign products with all the directions written in another language. Safe? We’ll see.
I’m not normally a gal who uses a mask. I tend to stick to the basics: Clean skin, moisturize and hydrate.
My girls love masks. Perhaps it’s their youthful freedom to do whatever the heck they want whenever the heck they want to do it! I’m old”er”, I’m busy and I’m too tired. Ha! Or am I lazy?
Try, just try to do something funny like this with your kids and NOT LAUGH! I couldn’t help it. Who can keep a straight MASK face? Not me.
Seriously? On my mouth? Come on, girl!
Because this mask puffs up once the air hits it and you have to work fast. We were hurrying between laughing and arguing about getting it in my nose and mouth. Thanks, Ally!
It was a quick process and I got a little concerned when it began to tickle itch. Like, I wanted to claw my nose area and scratch it off. No pain, just tickly.
Honestly, it was fun. And we all ended up with silky smooth skin!
Two thumbs up, weird puffy mask product.
Tags: facial, home facials, mask, puffy mask, skin care