Picture it: Cooking a crazy delicious dinner and the tornado sirens begin blaring.
Do you (A) Throw down your apron and run for cover?
or (B) Keep on cooking and sit down to eat with your family?
Well, I’ll tell you what my people did last evening. We kept going and watched like hawks every cloud and gust of wind that whistled by.
No need to rub our blessing of remaining safe and sound in anyone’s face. God protected us and I’m not joking when I say we were literally passed right by – by a mean little tornado.
This is my neighborhood.
Several neighbors posted video of the action and it was so very close to us that when we finally went outside (after we finished dinner) debris was falling into our yards and street. We felt incredibly grateful!
My yard took a little pounding from all the rain and wind, but for the most part….still looks good.
Sunflowers, down! Beaten to the ground. 🙁 Loved those guys!
This? Oh, this! Yea, that’s my very first crime novel short story posted over yonder on AMAZON KINDLE!!!!
YES, I am a published author! Kiss it, baby!! Or buy it! Whichever. Oh okay, I’ll kiss ya if you buy it! Haha!
Don’t worry. It won’t knock anyone off of the number #1 spot of Best Seller’s. But, it’s mine and I’m so danged excited to send it out into the world. It’s a little weird, so be warned. Who knew? Sitting down to write out some words would feel so good?
Find it HERE
Tags: crime, Indiana weather, kindle book, new author, tornado