5 Simple Rules for Happiness

1. Free your heart from hatred.

love hate

2. Let go of worries.


3. Live simply.

live simpl

4. Give more.

give it

5. Expect nothing.

expect a tion

Happiness doesn’t just come to everyone naturally. If you’ve lived longer than elementary school days – you know that life has the tendency to become hairy at times. Failures, disappointments, over-active imaginations, insecurities, comparison game….these are things that rob us from the joy God has lavishly offered.

I’ve had a little experience with wanting to hate someone who’s hurt you. It doesn’t punish them, only you or me. Give that junk up!

I’ve worried myself sick over situations that never amounted to much of anything. Give that habit to Jesus!

I’ve bought things I didn’t need, I’ve hoarded junk that should’ve been let go of long ago and I’ve lived above my means. Give me Jesus, that’s all I really need.

I’ve squandered my money, keeping it to myself and let satan have a field day with the fact that I’m always broke. I’d rather be a giver than a taker, any day.

I’ve felt let down by people, places and my own shortcomings too many times. The only peace I can have with expectation is the kind that comes from a Matthew 6:33 kind of place — “SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD ABOVE ALL ELSE, AND LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY, AND HE WILL GIVE ME EVERYTHING I NEED.”

My joy doesn’t hinge on anyone else in this world other than me.

Thank you for never changing. My life is in your capable hands, I just have to live it and live it in abundance because of You.

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