Do you ever have those days? You know. The ones that make you just want to scream? Yea, me too. I had one yesterday. I really wanted to scream. I used to work at a high school in another town not far from where I live now. I learned of a great stress outlet while there. The librarian had a few boxes that she would hang on to in the back storage room. We couldn’t just scream when we were feeling frustrated at school… she reserved these boxes for kicking! 🙂
And man……did we go kicking! It was good therapy! Free too!
Funny, huh? But a fantastic idea! One that I definitely took advantage of! I didn’t have to do it very often….but it was there if I needed it. I just stumbled onto something else that might help if you ever need an outlet. A screaming pillow! Who woulda thunk it?
I’m considering this as a gift giving idea!
Sometimes, life is just hard and all you want to do is kick or scream!
Dear Lord,
Thank you that I can vent my feelings of frustration freely. Help me to do it in a way that is healthy and honoring to you. I don’t want to be some crazy out of control nutjob. I just want to feel peace. Peace that comes from knowing I belong to a Mighty Savior named Jesus!
Tags: frustrated, high school, screaming pillow, stress