Can the Lord send me encouragement? In the midst of stress and worry…..He continually surrounds me with His love and grace. We knew this month would be tense…..but seriously, this is wildly over the top.
I don’t know what will be next. At this point, nothing surprises me. I just appreciate how God sends me little reminders of His love for me and for my future. Maybe you’re living with stress that seems neverending…..I hope you get His message of love for you too.
A few things that have encouraged me this week:
–“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25 NLT)
—I know we’ve heard the verse in Jeremiah 29 over and over again about how God knows the plans He has for us.
Something I’m continuing to learn is that He doesn’t say we will always know, but He says, “I know.” In my life there continues to be so much uncertainty and inconsistency, but in the midst of that, God continues to be near… (Words written just for me) Elizabeth Williams
–A visit from a couple firewood delivering angels! A Christmas present from hubby’s brother & sister-in-law who live in Washington State. Very cool gift. Or warm gift, really.
–A surprise visit from my sweetboy. He’s almost finished with finals but still had a few to go. He came by after attending a funeral for his roommate’s grandmother in the next town over. Score for me, he stayed the night. 🙂
–Two days off of school. Thanks to the big snow/ice storm. We’ll be making these dudes up….so I’ll be whining later. 😉
–“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12
Thank you for your love. Even when I feel like there’s no hope…you remind me that I’m yours and that you’ve got this.
Tags: discouraged, stressed, worry