I had to give my testimony yesterday at church. It was in private with 2 very thoughtful and gentle men, who serve to recommend new members to the committee. It’s important to know who you are joining ranks with, honestly. For them and for me (us). God’s work is and should be the highest calling on our life. I want to be in a church who serves and obeys HIM and I’m glad to know they want a heart like mine to do what my gifts allow in their church too!
Win win.
I cried during my testimony because I am an emotional human. Before and after, throughout my whole life. A bundle of emotions. My story isn’t sweet or easy. It’s complicated and sometimes really ugly. While I didn’t go into every detail just how ugly, both men were very kind to listen and love just the same.
The truth is, I am a miracle. My life is one to point straight to Christ for saving me out of the miry pit and putting me on a path of righteousness. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. It was never important to love God. So, when I found out just how much God loved me….. I RAN DOWN THAT ALTER!
Fast forward and you see my life has always been strategically patterned by God. Even the toughest times, He offered grace and mercy to push me forward in love. During my testimony, both my hubby and I had to admit…WE DO NOT KNOW WHY God has sent us to Montana. But we know He has a plan and He wants to use us here. Our ministry is alive and well. This church needs us as much as we need them.
While I wonder why I’m so far from family and loved ones….
God has provided some GIANTS to stand in the gap. People that love us in spite of us (which is the case for everyone back home too!). I told my hubby on Saturday that I cannot understand a love like we’ve been shown FROM STRANGERS (who are all now friends, of course!) that care for us, even knowing we have nothing to offer them back!
They are a gift from God. These good people who God sent to stand in the gap for me. I love them and I love Him for loving me that much to use them in my life!
I LOVE MY NEW LIFE IN MONTANA! I will get back to normal, some day.
You are all-knowing and all-powerful. There’s NOTHING you cannot do or won’t do to show your love. Thank you for the ones you’ve sent to stand in the gap for Don and me. We are so loved, through your children in Montana.
Tags: church, God, membership, Montana, new friends, stand in the gap