Posts Tagged ‘Montana’

Fill the Gap

Monday, November 12th, 2018

I had to give my testimony yesterday at church. It was in private with 2 very thoughtful and gentle men, who serve to recommend new members to the committee. It’s important to know who you are joining ranks with, honestly. For them and for me (us). God’s work is and should be the highest calling on our life. I want to be in a church who serves and obeys HIM and I’m glad to know they want a heart like mine to do what my gifts allow in their church too!

Win win.

I cried during my testimony because I am an emotional human. Before and after, throughout my whole life. A bundle of emotions. My story isn’t sweet or easy. It’s complicated and sometimes really ugly. While I didn’t go into every detail just how ugly, both men were very kind to listen and love just the same.

The truth is, I am a miracle. My life is one to point straight to Christ for saving me out of the miry pit and putting me on a path of righteousness. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. It was never important to love God. So, when I found out just how much God loved me….. I RAN DOWN THAT ALTER!

Fast forward and you see my life has always been strategically patterned by God. Even the toughest times, He offered grace and mercy to push me forward in love. During my testimony, both my hubby and I had to admit…WE DO NOT KNOW WHY God has sent us to Montana. But we know He has a plan and He wants to use us here. Our ministry is alive and well. This church needs us as much as we need them.

While I wonder why I’m so far from family and loved ones….

God has provided some GIANTS to stand in the gap. People that love us in spite of us (which is the case for everyone back home too!). I told my hubby on Saturday that I cannot understand a love like we’ve been shown FROM STRANGERS (who are all now friends, of course!) that care for us, even knowing we have nothing to offer them back!

They are a gift from God. These good people who God sent to stand in the gap for me. I love them and I love Him for loving me that much to use them in my life!

I LOVE MY NEW LIFE IN MONTANA! I will get back to normal, some day.

You are all-knowing and all-powerful. There’s NOTHING you cannot do or won’t do to show your love. Thank you for the ones you’ve sent to stand in the gap for Don and me. We are so loved, through your children in Montana.

Exceedingly Abundant & More

Monday, October 8th, 2018

I told a new friend yesterday that I DON’T KNOW WHY I’M HERE (in Montana) but I believe God has me here for a reason. I’ve had to tell our story over & over and every time I marvel at all that God has done in my life (and my hubby’s). What a strange and stressful journey! I still cry every single time I have to share it and I’m not sure if that’ll ever change. The rawness feels as fresh as if it were a gaping open wound that just won’t heal.

I met a missionary this weekend home from Jordan, he serves there as a director of an international school. I listened to him on Saturday as he told of all that’s happening in Jordan and the women God is using to inspire him in his faith walk. His school is made up of women employees that are giants in the faith and who aren’t afraid to love on Muslim kids, Baptist kids….poor kids, rich kids and more. Every story he told gave me a glimpse into a life that’s challenging beyond what I know here in Montana. I don’t have to prove to anyone that I am a worthy person or able to do things that men can do (in spite of what our fellow citizens are screaming) in this land I love. I can drive a car, wear cute clothes, speak to whomever will listen and pretty much rule the dang world if I SO CHOOSE!

Other countries, not so much.

The last few weeks have been sort of a personal torture for me. I realize that I’m part of my own problem…nonetheless, I have been one emotional breakdown from a hospital. I feel plagued with hopelessness and that’s NOT GOOD in these days we live. I cry over everything. I cannot force myself out of the funk! I know what you’re thinking –> WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Don’t worry, I’ve asked myself that same thing over & over.

My life is good. I’m safe, fed and I know I’m promised so much. Still, I’ve succumbed to a depression that just won’t shake off. It feels like hopelessness. I have watched so many people that I love struggle to overcome the darkness of depression and I thank God that he’s giving me enough to sense to recognize what’s happening. I want to be okay, probably like many others who suffer this way and I am going to do whatever it takes to beat it.

This is heavy, like a noose around my neck.

I miss my family. I feel lonely. I worry we will never have a house again. I grieve my lost dog. I hate all sorts of things about my situation. I don’t like my fat bod. I can’t sleep. My body aches all over. I look a hundred years old. My birthday is this week and I just want to skip it.

I could go on…

The missionary spoke again in church yesterday and he put up Ephesians 3:20-21 as his focal point in his message. I have read that verse hundreds of times, I’ve claimed it & loved it but not until yesterday did it have a whole nother meaning to me. I sat re-reading it as he spoke, over & over in my head until my heart made a firm decision to really believe it.

Everything I’ve been clinging to and telling myself is bunk! Garbage! I don’t have to torture myself with doom (like I tend to do), I can rest and trust God that HE WILL DO MORE, EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY MORE with me….my life and my future.

I don’t know why I’m in Montana! God does. That’s all I need to focus on for now. The stuff I convince myself will never be or happen is foolish fodder for satan to squander over me. I don’t have to live in fear or sadness. My life is blessed and He is using every bit of my journey to push me on ahead.

I have the most persistent friends, both here & there (everywhere). Every time I think I’m going under….God uses someone who loves me to come alongside me and pull me out of the hole. I can’t take any credit for that, it’s all God. Proof HE sees me, loves me and is taking care of me.

I’ll end with this —— if you are wondering whether it’s important to have someone over for a meal or to invite them out to dinner, IT IS! Do it. Don’t hold your hospitality in for yourself or your family members. I’ve been in more homes since I’ve moved to Montana than I ever have the whole 20 years I lived in Indiana. I’m not exaggerating! I know it’s God, He gets me and understands my need for social interaction. My hubby, well….he is fine never seeing another human. So, for him to give up his free time to eat at friends houses and to go out for pizza when he really wants to work on that DANG SHED/noose around his neck, is a gift to me!

I’m crawling out of the hole, slowly and with purpose. Keep praying for me because as you can see, satan is always lurking.

Oh and please, if you will….ask Him to do exceedingly, abundantly MORE than any of us could ever ask for.

Take That Road

Monday, August 6th, 2018

I have decided that I might as well start a whole blogging segment on I CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! The craziest things keep happening to us and I know as soon as I sit down and write it all down, people are probably thinking, NO WAY!

God is so creative and fun. My friend count is more than quadrupled!!!

Saturday night after dinner we decided to take a drive out by the airport and look around. On the way back home, we were sitting at the main highway near our house and we could see a pasture full of gorgeous horses running like crazy. My hubby sped across the road so I could snap some pics and take a little video of their “horse” play. They were amazing!

As we drove along beside them, he noticed a car was behind us and started trying to figure out how to let them by. The road was skinny but it was paved so we just kept driving. After a few minutes, it started to look much less like a road and a lot more like a –> d r i v e w a y.

I said, “Keep going! We’re fine!”.

The car, still behind us.

Then, we hit the point of no return….a house! Oh no!

We sheepishly turned around and faced the music (or car behind us). We rolled down the window and threw ourselves on the mercy seat. The older couple in their Mercedes SUV owned all the property we just drove through. They laughed and told us not to worry that this happens a lot. We talked for a long time just getting to know one another and before we left, I asked about church. Do they go? Where? And if they have any suggestions.

They perked up and proudly invited us to their church Belgrade Alliance Church! We couldn’t help but laugh!

We are currently members of Indiana’s BEST church ever, Eagle Church which is a Christian & Missionary Alliance too!

I’m telling you, I cannot make this stuff up!

In all my years of ministry life and stepping in the doors of new churches in new towns…. NEVER have I felt so welcomed to visit a church. People were incredibly excited to meet us and the Foster’s were so gracious and kind to show us around and introduce us to so many great folks!

It was as if we were family, already!

We sometimes get the idea that we are sort of floundering around through this life. The truth is, everything is orchestrated by God. He does not coincidentally allow stuff to happen to us. It is on purpose! The people we meet, the places we go and the things we do all have a grander purpose.

Pay attention. He is working. He is creative. He is BLESSING you & me with intention. Open your eyes and your heart! You may find yourself in someone’s driveway at dark and discover your new church family while you’re there!

Thank you so much for evening drives that give more than beautiful scenery.

Bent Out of Shape

Friday, August 3rd, 2018

I got a little panty in a waddy yesterday. Maybe you do the same thing too, some days. It doesn’t take a whole lot to get me edgy & ridiculous! I swear, God uses my own weak selfishness to lasso my janked up heart back to his.

My flesh.




My hubby, very kindly took Ms Lizzy & me out on an exploration of new territory after dinner. The views were rather spectacular, of course and even though it was Forestry road….things started getting a little s c a r y after taking a wrong road.

You may be gifted with the attribute of mercy when someone takes you down an UNDRIVEABLE road in the middle of darkness all while skirting alongside very high mountains. ME? I AM A HARDCORE SINNER WHO WILL CUT YOU FOR NEARLY KILLING US! I will think hate thoughts, I will imagine pushing you out of the driver’s seat and taking over….and I will resort to NOT SPEAKING to you for the rest of the dark long ride home at 11 something at night!

Okay, maybe I’m over-reacting!

We were all alone out in the middle of nowhere. As in, if we crashed or got stuck (we drive a Land Rover, to which I say…THANK YOU JESUS!) no one may find us for a very very long time. Which is ironic since we drove up on a dead cow under a tree while we were out there exploring!

The road in was fine and dandy. It had a few sketchy spots that jolted and shook us up. But, nothing compared to our journey out of the over 8000 foot area. N o t h i n g!

That blurry pic above of the cows? Yea, I’m not a terrible photographer….that is the result of snapping a photo while flying up in the carseat because of the ruts!

So, here we are crawling along trying to get down out of the mountain in the dark and the road is literally falling apart in front of our very old eyes. Every time we get through a rough spot, we happen upon a worse one. And put that on repeat. I looked at the clock and it was 9:00pm, in my head I thought that was no big deal we’d be back home safe by 9:30! Uhm, nope!

It was after 11pm!

My attitude was sour to the point of no return by then.

Moral of the story?

Don’t be like me. Be brave, take on new adventure. Let your hubby get a little lost here & there. Nobody’s gonna die.

Ok, they might. But look at all the things you’ll see right before heaven. Worth it.

I can be so ungrateful! Forgive me, I know it’s wrong to live in fear. Thank you for all the beauty YOU allowed me to see last night. And for protecting us.

It’s a Big Sky World

Thursday, July 26th, 2018

So much has happened in the last 13 days:

We moved to Bozeman slept there 3 nights, packed up our car and left Bozeman heading back to Indiana. Spent a few days packing up our junk, sorting and regrouping all over again to put our things in another storage unit….cause, we homeless! We rented a big ole U-haul, filled it to the roof and took off back to Bozeman again. For forever.

All in a week, give or take a few days.

I cried a lot for the first 2 days in Indiana. Some of it sheer ache of leaving my family and a little of the D R E A D of all the moving work and traveling across the country to put it all away again in another storage space.

Moving is already painful. It’s hard work and of course it was hotter than heck in Indiana. So, every moment was spent sweating our heads off. If you’ve ever rented a U-haul truck then you know it ain’t a pleasure to drive. Imagine almost 1700 miles of jerking and jiving…. no fun!

But, look….it is all behind us now.

Right this very minute I’m sitting in a swanky sweet cafe in BIG SKY, Montana and it’s the week of the Big Sky Professional Bull Riding event of the year. The town is alive! We arrived last night just to camp out amongst the critters and found MY NEW FAVORITE TOWN! The place was buzzing and a huge Farmer’s Market was blocking the streets. We joined right in and that’s when I knew, Big Sky was stealing my dang heart!

Everything is falling into place, really.

For the last 2 years I have prayed like my life depended on it and THIS is what God is showing me.

— Hang in there. He is working and the blessing will literally blow your socks off. ( I LIVE IN MONTANA, PEOPLE!)

— Trust Him with detail. From the top to the bottom of our needs God has gone beyond and blessed us.

— People don’t know what you’ve been through and that’s okay. We haven’t met a single turd along this MT journey, yet! Every single person has OPENED THEIR ARMS WIDE to welcome us. They are really good at sharing their good fortune of living in the most beautiful state in the USA!

— One thing may lead to another. (I’ll tell ya more on that another time!)

— The peace….it is permeated all through my mind, soul and body right now. Even not having a real house, no big deal! I am in love with this next stage of our lives.

— My husband is so good right now. This crappy crap trip has not been for naught! He starts work Monday and he is going to rock it like a hurricane!

— Still taking applications for besties here. Don’t laugh but….I’ve been offering my friendship to everyone I meet and NOT ONCE has anyone said, “Get lost, loser!”. Even at the gas pump at Costco, made a sister friend who works at the hospital where Don will work. Yea!!

— When we arrived in town on Monday (at lunch time) we had no stinkin idea how we were going to unload that moving truck all by ourselves. We were dead tired from the loading and driving for 3 days…. God provided the most precious 2 young adult dudes to help us! That truck was empty by 9pm and we were D O N E with it all by midnight! 2 days ahead of schedule!


I love that many of you are following along and cheering us to the finish line. Thank you, thank you…..really THANK YOU! The world needs more of YOU’s! People who love and pray and give a rip about people struggling or lost. You make it easier to KEEP ON KEEPING ON!

I can’t wait to get a little more normal and fill my blog with great Montana stories. For now, I gotta run… cause, I’m in BIG SKY y’all!


Out & About in Wenatchee Washington

Monday, September 26th, 2016

We’ve done a bit of exploring, as tourists tend to do.

lr trip

My hubby has been chomping to take my car somewhere dangerous and climb where no man can go. (Ahem, no….I’m not ready to let my car be a victim of an accident! Remember: the new drone?)

So, we did a little climbing up at Yoyo Rock on the Columbia River in Wenatchee.

yo yo rock

I know….I see boobies, not a yo-yo. But, hey…whatev’s man!

explor ers

We took our fellow explorers with us.

na po us

The weather was truly glorious!


We had a tailgate picnic while we watched some boaters do a little fishing! They were catching salmon, wall-eye, bass and something I can’t remember. I only recall being a lot jealous! Reminded me of our Canada fishing trip.

kickin it

The water is icy cold and clear as glass.

kiss is

Of course we did some kissin’!

jum pin

And some jumpin’!

lake columbia

The days are dwindling down. We have a few more places to check off our list before we leave to head back to Indiana. Traveling has a way of opening up your mind to dreams of living other places. For me, I think Montana would work. My hubby? Likes Idaho. Hrmph!


St Regis, Montana’s view!!

i d a h o

I D A H O! Okay, it was an 80mph snap of the state sign…but, still. I believe Montana has all the pretty trees.